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The following article was published in our article directory on July 2, 2010.
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Updating Think Outside the Bank for Small Business Financing

Article Category: Finances

Author Name: Stephen Bush

By pitting a "good" lender against the "bad" banks, lenders inspired by a good cop versus bad cop mentality have realized that offering small business loans without banks can be a marketing success. Some lending sources have even adopted a variation of the slogan "Thinking outside the bank" to emphasize the potential advantages of business financing without involving a bank. Small businesses should not let the advertising hype get in the way, and the point that deserves particular emphasis is that no matter whether they obtain financial help from a bank or not, very few businesses can survive for long without adequate commercial loans.

There are at least two prominent motivations for small business owners seeking business loans without banks. One is a desire to avoid a bank at all costs because of personal and professional antagonism for their past and present behavior. In particular small business owners can point to business financing being reduced and eliminated by banks even though they were bailed out by taxpayers so that this kind of financial activity could resume at normal levels.

For a second example, banks are failing at a rate that alarms most observers so logic dictates that small businesses should not book passage on a ship that is about to sink. Related to the enhanced bank failure rate is the lack of availability for routine small business loans at banks still operating. Small business owners have already realized that they must find alternative business financing options when their bank is not up to the task.

The growing bank unpopularity has provided plenty of motivation for finding commercial loans while also eliminating banks. From the early origins of American history banks and bankers have proven to be unpopular, and Thomas Jefferson is one who had similar feelings when he said that "banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies". The newest element in the desire to escape banking relationships is probably tied to the massive changes seen during the past ten to fifteen years.

Because of specific legal restrictions, banks cannot file for bankruptcy in the way that General Motors did but banks have still changed just as dramatically as if they had. Except in paid advertising, it has become even more rare for either businesses or individuals to speak positively about their bank, but many of us still have warm feelings about earlier banking days. Foreclosure notices and exorbitant credit card fees have become the contemporary bank images to replace one of giving away toasters.

But there can be an even darker side to how banks can operate when there are not adequate controls governing their financial transactions as evidenced by the problems created by derivatives trading. More than anyone in power would likely admit, the banking chaos created by excessive leverage involving these specialized securities brought world financial markets to the brink of disaster. In all likelihood, this is the kind of destructive behavior that Thomas Jefferson was referring to in the earlier quote (with a modern update for newer technologies that contributed to the recent episode).

About the Author: Steve Bush and AEX Commercial Financing Group are an expert source of merchant cash advances - Stephen has offered working capital loans and business financing for 30 years

Keywords: business loans,business financing,small business loans,small business financing,finance,business

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