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The following article was published in our article directory on November 10, 2010.
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United States In the G20 Summit Will Appear 19 on 1

Article Category: Business

Author Name: xia zihui

U.S. President Barack Obama are in the Group of Twenty Seoul, Korea summit, may need to pull out all the stops, respond to criticisms from all sides, the defense adopted by the U.S. Federal Reserve Board a new round of $ 600,000,000,000 quantitative easing policy. United States incurred a new round of monetary easing widespread criticism within the Group of Twenty cause is beginning to show 1 to 19 of the situation. According to Reuters reporters Ai Mi and Li Kaize judge, the "1" is the United States.

G20 summit will be four issues on November 11, held in Seoul to exchange rates, global financial safety net, reform of international financial institutions and development issues for the four main issues. Most concern is the last month the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting to address the exchange rate Gyeongju disputes and share the International Monetary Fund reform progress in the follow-up agreement. Seoul summit is the first time in Asia and emerging market countries, the summit organized by the Group of Twenty.

U.S. policy has been approved "poor"

Germany, Brazil, South Africa and China and other countries, government officials criticized the Federal Reserve printing money against the dollar, pushing up commodity prices, driving hot money into emerging markets.

South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordan said, the Fed move, "undermine the leaders of the Group of Twenty painstaking care during the crisis of the spirit of multilateral cooperation."

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble is not very tactful, blunt Fed policy "poor."

If the Group of Twenty Seoul summit does not resolve the tension, fear will increase fears that led the world economic situation gave birth to a new round of mutation.

More than 4 months ago, leaders of the Group of Twenty gathered in Toronto, Canada, stressed that "the collective well-being" and "common goals." However, since that summit, the dollar fell against a basket of currencies of 11%, pushing Japan and emerging economies, currency exchange rate.

U.S. exports to be more powerful

The face of the other members of the Group of Twenty criticism, Obama responded by saying that the world needs the U.S. economy back to health, while the U.S. economy needs stronger exports. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke explained that the strong U.S. economy is critical to the global economic recovery, the Fed know that U.S. economy and monetary system in the world to play the "special role."

Although the heavily indebted U.S. hopes to cash-rich China and Germany where the imbalance, but the Fed to further ease monetary policy that the U.S. departure from the Group of Twenty "common goal."

Kaiser found, it will increase the United States to promote policy change more difficult in other countries, particularly to the Chinese launched an attack on the currency issue. U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for the current account to set quantitative limits proposed last month in the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting was widely opposed. Interpretation

Hurry to open overseas markets

U.S. Democratic Party lost the midterm elections last week, the House of Representatives control, does not mean Obama will be the summit in Seoul to take a low profile. DPA analysis, Obama will be more hard-line stance. John Murphy, vice president of American Chamber of Commerce, said: "For the trade agenda, the harvest in 2011 may be ... ... the White House repeatedly said she wanted to progress in trade, and now (by the Republicans took over) the leadership of Congress recognized this point. "forthcoming as the Chairman of the House Trade Subcommittee, Republican Kevin Brady said:" If the president would like to accomplish something in the area of trade, he will have a willing partner. "DPA analysis, given the Democrats and the Republicans are now House and Senate sub-squat, open overseas markets to get the Republican Party and Obama support the U.S. business community one of the few areas. 5, Obama said: "One of the keys to create employment for U.S. workers made to open the market American goods." Xinhua General

Guard order issued at the highest level

45,000 police started from November 1, they entered the Seoul garrison state. According to South Korean police garrison in Seoul's order, the police will deploy 45,000 police, a comprehensive counter-terrorism efforts to enhance security, ensure the safety of the leaders.

200 police forces that may arise during the summit protests, South Korean police will deploy 200 police forces, in blocking the demonstrators, while maintaining personal safety demonstrations and interests.

5000 from 5 day blacklist, South Korean police guard posted the highest order. Korean National Police Agency, said head of the day, the police received from the Interpol wanted list of 2713 people, a total ban on immigration figures listed. South Korean police official said that the Ministry of Justice and National Intelligence Service also received from the States list of terrorist suspects, according to the list of 5,000 foreigners have been banned from entry.

24-hour network monitoring South Korean government also released the Internet incursions "concern" warning. Korea Development Institute and other relevant networks introduced 24-hour network monitoring, in order to respond rapidly to the Internet, including hacker attacks, including the invasion.

About the Author: My name is Amanda Li from , this website contains a great high quality products such as Steel Structure Buildings, China Modular Buildings, welcome to visite.

Keywords: Steel Structure Buildings, China Modular Buildings,

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