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The following article was published in our article directory on December 2, 2010.
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Japan Implementation Rare Earths Shortage Measures

Article Category: Business Management

Author Name: xia zihui

Policy tightening in China next year, hard to reverse the export of rare earth

China's rare earth export quota announced undoubtedly other countries, including Japan, was "panic." Industry insiders said China hoped to tighten the rare earth export quota to the industry just before the disorder and chaos from a return to a rational state, and the 2010 Chinese export quotas significantly reduced as is the case, the situation will not change much next year . In this case, Japan and the EU are major importers of rare earth in China have started to put pressure on, while "appetite" the largest step Japan is also redoubling its efforts to take the lead in the development of rare earth materials and transfer of alternative downstream enterprises to actively respond to shortages of rare earth.

Trends show an alliance to press China

Currently, the stagnation of exports to Japan two months of rare earth has been easing to loosen. November 30, the Japanese economy industries relative large Tian Zhang Hong confirmed that there are four, a total of 66 tons from China Rare Earth goods (2 has the port, two have completed the customs procedures) confirmed, has been to Hong Kong or RE confirmed total volume of freight has reached 10. But "the appetite" great case of Japan, is still far unable to meet their needs.

Even if the rare earth export in China to open, the worldwide situation of insufficient supply of rare earth is also difficult to avoid facing Japan is estimated that the demand for next year, the gap only to reach 7000-8000 tons.

In this case, China's rare earth rare earth policy began importing countries were joint "rise in revolt."

Yu-Niwa Japanese Ambassador Ichiro October called the Japanese Embassy in the United States, Britain, Germany, France, South Korea and other major countries ambassador, demanding the easing of restrictions on exports of rare earth elements.

Recently, the European business community clamoring for rare earth export restrictions by the Chinese influence, and asked the EU to take action. Commission members De Gute recent interview with Reuters in particular highlighted the earth, claiming that China is currently no evidence that the measures taken by rare earth export enterprises a blow to the EU, but will still be necessary to resort to the world Trade Organization. Early November, the German economy minister Bruderle has said the world faces the risk of a rare earth OPEC, so called for German companies to form a "raw material Cooperation Organization" to oppose the monopoly of China's rare earth.

At the most positive response to the shortage of

As the world's largest importer of rare earth, the Japanese had to take positive action to address shortages of rare earth. In addition to actively developing alternative rare earth materials, some companies also began to accelerate the transfer of rare earth downstream firms.

Heavily dependent on imports for the earth to get rid the state of China, Japan will advance the implementation of development plans for rare-earth alternative materials. He signed with the U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, the joint statement also highlighted that the United States and Japan will strengthen cooperation in the field of rare earth, rare earth co-development of alternative materials.

Showa Denko of Japan announced a 1 for 5 years from the year 2011 mid-term business plan, including expansion of imports from Vietnam, and rare earth. Japan's Showa Denko 1 In particular, said the company is developing small amount of rare earth use a new generation of alloys. Showa Denko production of alloys is to produce high-performance cars such as the required magnet material. Predicts, with the popularity of electric vehicles, high-performance magnet next 5 years the market will double, the rare earth is the essential raw materials.

It is reported that the glass manufacturer Mitsubishi's Asahi Glass Foundation is to accelerate the transfer of domestic factories to China and other rare earth producer; are both owned by Mitsubishi Mitsubishi consortium is to accelerate the acquisition of a worldwide "Di" element of new technology development company; always competitive The Mitsubishi and Sumitomo claimed that will work together to re-start mining operations from California, M ountainPass acquisition of rare earth mines.

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Keywords: formal dining sets,thread repair kit,zune car pack,

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