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The following article was published in our article directory on December 7, 2010.
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European Debt Crisis is Not Over

Article Category: Business

Author Name: xia zihui

Now the EU and the IMF has decided to spend 67.5 billion euros rescue problem banks in Ireland, which represents the euro zone debt crisis has been settled yet? Unfortunately, no. In fact, it may just be in Europe in the mid-point of the crisis. Clear that, if there is a huge, sustained growth, it can help Europe out of debt. However, this now seems unlikely.

Debt may have to save more European countries, for example, Portugal is also the ranking. Portugal average growth over the past decade of less than 1%, and recognized its labor market rigidity in the euro area is very curable, and now do not know how the Portuguese from the huge to get out of debt.

The debt burden, including the public debt and external reputation damage. Portuguese direct that their situation so as Greek terror. However, to find a historical reference level, the Portuguese's debt level is still a big problem. Portugal, slow growth, huge debt, it sought help sooner the better.

Spain is more trouble, the central government is solvency, but the city and the province of bank debt was great. The problem here is that the Central Government for its assumption of debt. History can not give us any optimism. When a key role in these economies the verge of collapse when the central government is difficult to assume these debts.

For European countries, debt problems, do not forget, received from the EU and IMF aid is only a temporary measure, Chu Laihun to repay.

Slow economic superimposed severe financial situation, the so-called bungee countries (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) is now facing a "lost decade" in Latin America in the 1980s as the kind of experience. Latin America and the present growth momentum of rebirth began in 1987, the "Brady Plan" (Brady Plan, from the United States for the first time agreed on the Latin American debt owed by the principal debtor to give relief, but requires debtor countries to neo-liberal development model reform). Clear is that Europe may also need such a plan.

If you allow the necessary reduction of book value of assets (write-downs), and the implementation of debt restructuring, debt should still be in Europe can handle.

European Union and the IMF did was to issue private debt into a sovereign debt problem. Nationalization of private debt by the European left in the 1980s Latin American debt crisis of the road. Wide range of government guarantees for private sector, and then default.

European policy makers should now realistically look forward. As someone said, the first step (Rescue) were allowed, then Europe will be a problem.

About the Author: I am a editor, provides screen door retractable,telescopic flag pole,inverter sine wave, welcome to visit!

Keywords: screen door retractable,telescopic flag pole,inverter sine wave,

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