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The following article was published in our article directory on October 7, 2011.
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Finding out about diamond

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Mr Van

Diamond is one of 2 forms of Carbon's shape which is the most well-known ( the other shape is Graphite). It has a high hardness with extremely good scattering. This creats many applications for industry and jewelry. It is a mineral with perfect physical properties. It is also a good material to make rough surfaces. Only other diamonds: nested Carbon crystals or ADNR which are used to cut diamond. That means, diamond could keep very good and long polished surfaces. About 130 millions carat of diamond are mined every year with total value is 9 billions of USD. Besides, about 100000 kg of diamond are artificial prepared annually.

Diamond is a colourless crystal including pure Carbon, in which a Carbon atom linked to 4 other atoms nearest. We use diamond because of its extremely valuable physical properties. They are: high hardness and insulation as well as good scattering. Above properties are basic in fields which use diamond.

Physical properties
-Crystal structure
Diamond is a symmetric crystal with cube structure, in which has 4 degree Carbon atoms. Its density is 3,52g/cm3.
Diamond has peculiasities dueing to the combination of a C atom and 4 nearest C atoms. Graphite is another shape of C. Its crystal structure is parellelogram-shaped with physical properties are completely different from diamond. It is a flexible matter which has opaque or grey colour. The other element in Carbon group is Si that has crystal structure similar to diamond. Lonsdaleite is also a shape of diamond with hexagonal structure, found in other areas. Other awkward crystal of Carbon is Carbondo-a colourless diamond, or has grey or black colour with tiny crystal structure called Spherulite.

- Hardness
Diamond is the hardest substance in nature. Its hardness under Mohs scale is 10. It withstands high pressure between 167 and 231 Gigapascalin in different tests. This was known for a long time and that was the source of its name-"diamond". However, nested Carbon-a shape of diamond prepared in 2005 that is more harder than diamond.
The hardest diamond belongs to New Zealand under New South Wales State (Australia). The diamond is small, used to polish other diamonds. Its hardness depends on conditions for its formation. A diamond will be hardest when it is taken form in 1 period. Other diamonds-go through many periods, so they has layers or traces making their hardness reduce (taylor, 1990)
Industry which uses diamond existing for a long time because of its hardness. It is the most value mineral among 3000 mineral samples. It is used to polish, cut surfaces or other diamonds. Common industries use it as drill, blade or emery. A promising application of it is making semiconductor: some blue diamonds is natural semiconductor while the rest colours are good insulators. Man-made diamonds in industry are out for making jewelry but advantage to cut down costs. In ancient times, the ancients used it to make drills and incribed tools.
It is considered as a jewelry due to its hardness. Because it only scratched by another diamond. It is always shiny over time. Different from other gemstones which only worn on special occasions, diamond suits Casual because it is hard to scratch. So, it is usually decorated on engagement rings or wedding rings.

Unlike hardness which refers to againsting scratches, its brittleness only from average to good level. It is the difficulty to break of materials. Diamond is brittle because of its weak withstand, so it is more fragile against other materials.

Diamond has many colours: colourless, blue, green, orange, red, pink, yellow, brown and black. Diamonds with shiny lines called coloured diamonds. A diamond has very dark colour called " striking colour". Coloured diamond contains impure molecules, in which an any Carbon atom in crystal net replaced by another element atom. Usually, that element is Ni making yellow diamond. Pure diamond is colourless. A diamond which has high clarity is classified into D level, Z is lowest level-refers to yellow diamond.

-Temperature endurance
Unlike Graphite, at atmosphere pressure (1 atm), diamond is unstable and disintegrate. (Delta G = -2.99 kJ/mol). Diamond burns at 800 degree censius, if oxygen is enough. This is showed in last XVIII cent or in Roman ancient books. But, diamond is not disintegrated because of large kinetic energy. Under normal temperature and pressure, a diamond only turns into Graphite after a period of time equals to formation of the universe up to now.

Electromagnetic aspect
-Optical properties
Diamond has a good dispersion thanks to rapidly changes of extraction and light's wavelength. This helps white ray creat different colours, make diamond become more eye-catching as a jewelry.
Its high extraction, about 2 417, is larger than normal glasses (1,5). The extraction causes total reflection for its within sides, so creats a sparkle for it. The sparkle characterizes effects of light on a diamond, usually called "adamantine".
Some diamonds give off light (almost is blue light) under ultraviolet rays. Most of diamonds radiate blue-white, yellow or green light under effects of X rays. The diamonds are used in mining to separate them from normal diamond. In ordinary condition, most of diamonds doesn't glow except for blue light, although coloured diamonds could luminesce more colours.
- Electrical property
Except blue diamond-a semiconductor by nature, all the rest of diamonds are good insulator. This means in blue diamond modecule contains inclusions of Bo atom-a electron giver that creats p semiconductor. However, blue diamonds do not contain Bo inclusions, for ex in Argyle (Australia), have a such colour as they contain so much Hydro atom, so they are insulator.
- Thermal property
Unlike other insulators, diamond is a good conductor due to the close link of atoms. Almost blue diamonds contain Bo atoms which replace for Carbon in atomic net, are also have high heat transfer capacity. A pure artificial diamond has heat transfer coefficient about 2000-2500 W/(m.K), higher 4-5 times than Cu and highest among known substances in room temperature. Therefore, people use it in semiconductor devices to reduce heat for Si and other semiconductors. Energy level of holes within diamond are about 5,4-6,4 eV.

Historical origin
-The formation
Diamond is formed from minerals contain Carbon at very high temperature and pressure. On the Earth, every places are possible exist diamond because at a certain depth with enough high temperature and pressure, diamond is possible formed. In continents, it formed at a depth is about 150 km (90 miles), pressure is 5 Gigapascal and temperature is 1200 degree celsius (2200 degree Fahrenheit). In oceans, the process occurrs at deeper areas ( high temperate> high pressure). When temperature and pressure reduce gradually, diamond is accretion.
Studying about the isotope ratio (like method of historical dating by Carbon-14), except using stable isotopes (C-12 and C-13), Carbon in diamond come from organic and inorganic sources. Inorganic sources are available in the intermediate layer of the Earth while Organic sources are dead trees buried in the ground before become diamond. The 2 sources have great differences with ratio is 13C: 12C. It is believed to form for a long time, about 1-3,3 billions of years.
Also, it is formed in phenomena which have high temperature and pressure. It had been found in meteorite center which contained tiny diamond after the meteorite falled to ground. The phenomenon created a high temperature and pressure area leading to reaction of creating diamond. Diamond dusts are used in modern science to identify places where have the falling of meteorite.

Diamond on the Earth's surface
Stones carry diamond are pulled to place where has eruption of volcano. When volcano erupts, vocanic materials pass places having the formation of diamond about 90 miles (150 km). The phenomenon rarely occurrs. Under vocano has underground igneous flow to carry lava and keep them at there but the flow won't reach the surface when volcano activates. Flow contains diamond usually found at ancient continents because they have ancient igneous flows.
Geologists usually base on this signs to find places containing diamond: minerals contain majority Cr or Ti or in gemstone mines have bright colours.
When diamond brought onto the ground by igneous siphons, they could escape into a surrouding large area. A siphon is assessed as main diamond source. Also, there are some scattered diamonds caused by external factors ( environment, water...)
Diamond is also reached out the face of the Earth by rupture of continents, though the phenomenon has not fully understood and rarely happened.

About the Author: Mr Van is an author living in Vietnam.He is an expert when it comes to Diamond , gemstones and their affect to your health. Find more about gemstones for health at

Keywords: diamond,gemstones,gemstones for health

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