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The following article was published in our article directory on March 23, 2012.
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Story of a Witch in Yorkshire.

Article Category: Religion

Author Name: Count Marco

I was a week ago was elated to catch up with Great Witch Florina Ofelia Albu earlier this month for a candid and forthright conversation about her living her life as a practicing witch or Wicca in Lady Wood, Leyburn, North Yorkshire. This is the first part of my two piece publication of the meeting which I had with her. I shall be publishing Part Two shortly.

Right here is my complete chronicle of the realistic interview that I had with her. I trust that you will savour it as much as I did getting together with and conversing with her. I started by expressing to her how very delighted I was to at long last her and have the chance to interview her for my a number of Blogs, firstly I asked her just how long had she been conducting the occultism of Wicca? Quick as a flash she answered me with her charismatic smile; I started practicing and being involved in Wicca since about 1991, so approximately twenty years now she explained.

I wanted to know about her views on reincarnation and she then explained "We do hold a conviction that when this cycle of our transfiguration is concluded we will definitely return and grasp new essential teachings in our impending lives".

Moving on and questioning exactly what does being a Wiccan really represent to you? "Ah yes she answered to grasp my response you would probably desire have a greater notion in relation to the days olden of Wicca. Wicca is really relatively newer in connection to the original dogma. Its about rejuvenating the ideas drawn from Irish, Greek, Roman and other similar traditions combined in with Hoodoo, Shamanism, Ceremonial Mason, Magician, and undoubtedly Magic itself. In summary as a Wicca it suggests that I aim to worship the Earth, Sun and moon cycles. I personally do this via worship of the God and Goddess and the many different ingredients that make up Mother Earth - Gaia. We regard this as the Wheel of the Year. All existence is divine and I have a deep association as a Wiccan to the very globe that we live on. Part of my teaching is that I perform the Divine Art of Magic. Amongst the main contrasts is that we do not have the clergy; all of us as Wiccans are active as priestesses and priests. Aligning individually with the numerous phases of the earth, the moon, and the earth as a satellite of the Sun. By this we are enabled to advance equally every little thing else does. We try to find out lessons that we can progress ourselves in this life as part of our evolutionary further advancement".

It was good that she was absolutely happy to provide me a full statement and answer to all my concerns. I then posed the question so just How could anyone become a Wiccan? She made clear that if any person chose to be transformed into a Wiccan all you would require to do is to choose to be one. Quite often folks say that just calling yourself a witch doesn't make you one, nevertheless just being one does. The decision is clear; honor the earth, Sun and moon and all its cycles. By honoring this all-powerful connection we do so to enlighten and richen our development and understanding. So in reality to become a Wiccan depends really on how you carry out it and with whom you do so. Covens do have initiations, degrees, sponsorship and ordination of various clergy. Generally you spend one year and a day on each stage studying and understanding the way of that individual course. It is not a secretive group, we are just very discreet. In some ways churches adopt equivalent levels of benchmarks but also require faithfulness to the church. Clergy can take various degrees. Most though are much more open and in the open domain. In smaller groups you may find that the have simple initiations ceremonies. The clergy is most commonly held by group acknowledgment. This is performed in the role of one of the Elders. However its my opinion that Solitary is the most pure condition. Just a simple commitment from you to the Gods is needed.

This took me to my subject of creed so I asked her what religion had she been raised up in? Did you ever undertake another faith? She described how she had been raised a functioned as a Catholic, She attended Catholic schools and had communion and confirmation. Over the years she looked and looked to find specifically which creed could move her, indicating that she did briefly be associated with Jehovah Witness, Seven Day Adventist, variety of non-denominational Christian churches. She had, had the good luck to attend wonderful services and rites at Jewish, Hindu and Islamic events. This was how she was at last brought onto her existing road.

Truly I wished to know what she believed that the main differences between Wicca and other religions? For her she said she considered that that was a common cord that links all spiritualities. There are times however, she carried on, "when our variances stand out to a greater extent than other occasions. We do accept the reclamation's of numerous different pagan practices and followings all through the world and from all times. In the main our hallowdays follow the existent patterns of the earth as it spins around the sun. That is why we enjoy an agricultural approach inside of our religion. All of us actually execute magic practices. There is no distinctively anointed clergy that is an authority or communicates in the name of the Gods. Transmigration is very much part of our understanding, similar the the comprehension of Eastern practices it is more instruction orientated. We do not think that our path is the solely true or greatest way to practice. We do not surmise that there is just one passage to practice. We truly feel that religion advances just as our planet and all of us, on it do. Even though we find a more accurate reclamation of our past customs we feel certain that in truth we are humans and therefore the only correct path is the one that each of us walks on their own".

So then I asked particularly where do you offer devotions to and in what type of devotional place or church? Giving an answer as she dragged intensely on her hand rolled cigar; "We praise frequently in many kinds of organizations. For instance we have Covens; when we enroll in a Coven it is an organised environment and usually in a property that allows us all come simultaneously not just in admiration but also for teaching our own selves. Smaller groups brought together in local groups are called Circles. In this healthy environment they practice with respect to what the actual community needs; it may be agricultural or ritual study or the further empowerment of woman. We also have household traditions which are practiced from generation to generation. Each family does this in their own exceptional way, with their own rites and practices. Also in addition to the above we have a further common tradition - this is titled The Solitary. From time to time practiced on your own or in really small gatherings of no more that two or three Wiccans. Usually performing on holidays which we call Sabbats, in some cases in groups but usually in private".

I wondered if she held any particular day in the week is the Sabbath. She read my thoughts and continued "In Wicca there is no distinct day of the week that we call "Sabbath". We do not have any specific day that we refer to as Sabbath as we hold each and every day sacred".

I now needed to know if there was a particular rule booklet similar to a bible that that she observed; She described how there was no publication; absolutely nothing was handed down from prehistoric woman or man. "Neither do we have any prophet that spoke to the All-knowing Divine. Any or most of our ancient times has been wiped out in instances of fear and panic. We refer to these occasions as the Burning Times. Different Wiccan's have journals and books that are brimming with, Sabbats, procedures, esbats, spells, literatures and various relevant information; recipe books, grimoires and of course the term that people generally know; "The Book of Shadows". Each individual Wiccan has their own exclusive Book of Shadows which they record all throughout their own life with instruction including the Coven, Circle, Church or teacher that taught them the way. This is a most personal, private and valued possession to a Wiccan. However it is the ideas, the practices that go into the book that are of the most significance".

So I asked her do men and women have uniformity in your doctrine and can woman hold command positions? Florina responded "Just like our Divinity which hold duality, equality is positively the way of Wiccans. Women and men hold equal rights in Wicca and can acquire any leadership standing they choose. In every woman and every man there are qualities of both masculine and feminine. In times past the women quite often held positions of superiority due the very fertility of their gender. This is indeed a most prestigious and solemn blessing. Lots of our different services do put across God as the hunter who produces rebirth to us via death. But as I explained previously to you, Wicca is a continuously developing process and function. As our humankind has taken the various elements of the different roles of woman and men, so has our very belief as Wiccans grown. Lots of woman groups exist now that have high priestess but no actual male priest. Some homosexual and lesbian groups now have high priestess positions held by woman and naturally vice versa. The main point to appreciate here is that it really is nothing to do with your gender, but more to do with the actual hearing within the person".

Choosing to dig deeper I posed the question so Florina just whom is your God? "Ah" she responded and then clarified "We in fact have a lot terms for all our Gods. We have for instance The Goddess and God. We additionally have the Lady & the Lord and the Father & Mother. Other names would be based on and be more specific according to the stipulation that the particular Wicca abides by. There are Greek, Roman and Celt Gods and many more. This is a very private and individual choice. We do know that all the Goddess and God but they have exceptional individual elements. For me I follow my Lord Bacchus who is the Lord God of Wine & Merriment. He is special to me, he relates to the light and dark side to me, doubtlessly experiencing life in the ultimate. My Lady is a three fold Goddess named The Fates. These wise woman frequently tell and lead me how to review my actions as well as attain various landmarks, that I have to happen on as I walk my path. These are the wise women, who continuously instruct me to balance my experiences and achieve milestones, that I must as they appear upon my road".

I then determined it was time to discuss in more detail multiple services of enrollment and the differentiating magic ceremonies that she operated. I was also particularly enchanted to imagine regarding what style of things you have contained in your own individual Book of Shadows. She smiled that hypnotic smile nodding in total agreement.

part two coming soon! ... For more books & readings on Wicca please visit Kooma Store

About the Author: Count Marco is an expert when it comes to Cartomancy, Witches, Numerology, Magic, Wicca and Playing Card Readings. To find out everything about Cartomancy, Witches, Numerology, Magic, Wicca and Playing Card Readings. visit his Blog at

Keywords: count marco,cartomancy, playing card readings, witches, wiccan, numerology

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