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The following article was published in our article directory on August 21, 2012.
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Rapid Wound Healing is Possible – No Need to Suffer!

Article Category: Medicines and Remedies

Author Name: Venetia Kruger

Bedsores appear when pressure is exerted over the same part of the body for long periods of time. Diabetes, poor circulation, obesity and various infections can worsen the condition of bedsores or lead to their appearance. Bedsores will be found on the more bony areas of the body. Without proper treatment, they can lead to infections that slow the healing process and increase the cost of treatment. These sores are hard to treat and can spread rapidly.
The use of a regular moisturizer can help prevent this serious problem. Skin dryness can become a problem when a person drinks less water. Ulcers are extremely difficult to heal and may take many months to heal. Daily skin inspections for pressure sores are an integral part of bedsore prevention.
People with diabetes are more prone to skin problems, especially people with uncontrolled blood glucose. People who suffer from bedsores are usually deficient in a number of nutrients, especially zinc and vitamins A, and E. A special diet that is high in vitamin C, protein and zinc is normally recommended. Diabetics often get ulcers on or around their toes. Lack of sensation makes diabetics more susceptible to ulcers. People that are bedridden really need to be turned often to prevent bedsores.
It is believed that dressing a small pressure sore with a bandage coated with raw honey helps to remove toxins from the wound and promote healing. Sugar (refined) can help heal bedsores and other wounds when it is rubbed into it. Natural honey contains many natural healing properties and has been used in home medicine for centuries. A number of studies have confirmed the antibacterial effects of honey in test tubes. One study found that different honeys had different levels of activity against specific bacteria. Studies on humans have reported that honey used as a wound dressing reduced infection, inflammation, pain, and odor, and promoted easy removal of dead tissue and rapid healing with little scarring. The gel from the Aloe Vera plant can also be used to help heal skin ulcers. Break off a piece of the leaf and apply the clear sticky gel to Bedsores. The pulp has been put on burns and wounds for thousands of years. Dressing removal is often reported as the time of greatest pain. Most people said that the worst part of living with an ulcer was the pain at dressing change.
Any person who spends the majority of his or her time in bed or in a wheelchair is at risk of bedsores. For most people, bedsores cause some pain and itching. However, in people whose senses are numbed, even severe sores may be painless. Thousands of deaths every year are attributed to complications caused by bedsores. Every year, chronic wounds that effected diabetics, insect bites, bedsores, trauma or other conditions keep millions of people from doing the things they like to do. A chronic wound that normally affects diabetics, poor blood circulation and other medical conditions can significantly impact their quality of life. In some cases, they put patients at risk for hospitalization and amputation.
The quest for better wound-healing agents is perhaps one of the oldest challenges for the medical practice. The longer it takes for a wound to heal, the greater the likelihood of serious complications such as infection. The social and financial tolls of chronic wounds are extremely high. Now there is a capsule that will help to improve blood circulation and at the same time work against any infections. Super Oxygen™ capsules will oxygenate the blood and cells for rapid wound healing and before you know the problem will be something of the past. One of the biggest open wounds has been treated with this product after searching for sixteen years on how to heal this wound. This was accomplished in only five weeks of using the product!
It is advisable to Increase calorie consumption to help protein heal the body's wounds faster. Extra calories, which are used as energy by the body, are needed to help protein repair the body and regenerate tissue At any given time, millions of people suffer from chronic, non-healing wounds Some are associated with complications from diabetes and others are related to vascular disorders while other types include bedsores and traumatic wounds. The amount of protein in your diet has a direct effect on how efficiently your wound heals. Adding protein powder to foods or beverages can promote wound healing by boosting your intake of this essential nutrient. The primary reason for amputation is infections associated with the development of broken and ulcerated skin.
New blood vessel formation is a critical component of wound healing. A rich blood supply is vital to sustain newly formed tissue. Diabetes and high blood sugar slow wound healing. Diabetes can lead to decreased blood circulation in the lower extremities, foot wounds and ulcers can become serious very quickly. Wounds heal slowly-and may not heal at all-in an environment in which they are repeatedly traumatized or deprived of local blood supply by edema. With Super Oxygen™ the overall condition of Diabetes will improve whilst the capsules will be doing the healing work of bed sores or wound healing. Even where gangrene has set in, a person will see the improvement in a small period of time.
With all of the abovementioned information in mind, one should remember that Oxygen is important for cell metabolism and is critical for nearly all wound-healing processes. It prevents wounds from infection, and promotes wound contraction. When the oxygen tension is increased, the fibroblast can again carry out these wound healing functions. Wound healing is a dynamic process, and an adequate oxygen tension is mandatory for this process to proceed to a successful conclusion. The delivery of high concentrations of oxygen to the blood stream and the wound bed will rapidly accelerate the healing process. This amount of oxygen in the patient's blood will allow red blood cells to pass more easily through the plasma into the wounds to heal them from the inside out. More oxygen in the blood will be stimulating the growth of blood vessels that supply oxygen to the tissues. Greater cell oxygen production combats bacteria, cools the wound and helps to prevent scarring. With Super Oxygen™ you have the ability to change your life today!

About the Author: If you would like to know more about healing bed sores or wound healing with Super Oxygen™ This is the answer to your prayer for Healing. Click here This unique formulation is a must in your medicine cabinet.

Keywords: bed sores, wound healing, prayer for healing

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