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The following article was published in our article directory on December 20, 2012.
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1 Strategy to Be the Best Version of You with Jim Cathcart

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: Lis Carpenter

Life Lessons from Tom Wood: One Simple Strategy

You can do extraordinary things when you master this one simple strategy:

The strategy is called the slight edge: simple discipline that may make no immediate difference however repeated over a period of time creates massive change.

Example: if you eat salad and drink water one day – will you be healthy? But, over a period of time, you will see a difference in your health.

Simple disciplines repeated over time will create success like simple mistakes or bad habits over time will create failure.

This is one of the greatest life lessons to ponder. How is it possible that this one thing or strategy can be the same with your exercise, career, wealth, relationships — it is the ONE thing that separates you from who you are today to who you can become.

The catch is these simple disciplines are EASY TO DO and EASY NOT TO DO.

Returning to this blog daily to continue this Life Lessons Series or reading from a personal development book written by a high achiever is something that you get addicted to doing.

This simple discipline over the next 30 days will create tremendous results for you.

Write down one thing in your journal that you wish you were doing other than this life lessons series, and then commit for the next 30 days.

The strategy is to continue to commit to doing this thing everyday. Here is a valuable resource that I read daily to stay committed.

Life Lessons from Lis Carpenter: How to Have an Awesome Year

As you know an awesome year begins with having an awesome day. There is a strategy in line with what Tom Wood just instructed. When do you do the activity in line with who you want to be. You do it first.

I have started implementing the slight edge strategy through including it in my morning routine. And, that morning routine was developed by the extraordinary coach, speaker and best-selling author, Hal Elrod. Get the miracle morning routine here:

Life Lessons from Jim Cathcart. Can one strategy create a champion?

What if one thing could create a world of difference for you?

Jim Cathcart, well-known speaker and best-selling author of the Acorn Principle, tells a story about giving a speech at a TidyCar international convention one year.

A young man asked to sit with him for lunch and picked his brain for his secrets to excelling in life. After the meal the young man asked him for one slogan or mantra to help him get through the next year.

...Jim left the young man with this question:

"How would the person I would like to be do the things I'm about to do?"

Jim urges you not to think of someone else; think of the more refined version of you. He says, "If you keep thinking like an acorn, you will remain an acorn. You have to think like an oak to start the growth process."

As a response, the young man, Tim, changed his outfit from a t-shirt and jeans to a jump suit with his name on it because that is how he imagined the international sales leader would dress.

He organized his files better. He put up pictures of corvettes around his room because that would be the reward for the international sales leader for TidyCar.

These things helped him to think like the international sales leader of the company. After taking this simple question and shifting his perspective his business thrived. He had to hire people and even leased out a location.

We can take one simple question and just shift our perspective enough to give us profound insights that will transform the results we get.

But, it takes this stimulus to start the process. If we're seeking the stimulus and taking responsibility to make that happen, the process will indeed work.

Jim Cathcart has seen this process demonstrated again and again and again.

After some time, he was asked again to speak again for TidyCar at the international convention. They were going to award the corvette on that occasion. PAY ATTENTION HERE! 2nd through 5th place were all within a few points of each other. Number 1 lead them by over 300 points.

The young man that Jim Cathcart had counseled at the last convention had smoked the others. Not only had he taken the prize but he had changed his mindset completely! He took one simple idea to the max. Tim said to himself that the international sales leader of the company would travel one-way, first class to the convention, so he did.

How's that for stepping into your personal power?

The real lesson is you cannot become, you can only BE because we only have access to NOW, not the future.

We'll help you step into it...
Lis Carpenter

About the Author: Lis Carpenter is the author of the Secret Guide to Living Your Winningest Life Ever and one of the trainers of the John Maxwell team. To find out the secret to living life to your full potential go to

Keywords: Hal Elrod, Jim Cathcart, life lessons, live your best life, personal power, the acorn principle, the miracle morning, Tom Wood, personal development, self help, self-help

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