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The following article was published in our article directory on April 4, 2013.
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Psychic Reader - What is the History?

Article Category: Womens Interest

Author Name: Ron Vicari

What could It possibly mean becoming a psychic reader? Well. let's begin by saying that we have five senses:.

i. Sight.

ii. Smell.

iii. Feeling.

iv. Hearing.

v. Taste.

Now, for the famous 'Premonition': What exactly is that?

Different definitions-- but they all depend on hunches, or intuition. It is a rare person who hasn't had a 'hunch' that somehow warned him/her of a coming event-- or occurrence of some kind.

In fact, often it is of a momentous nature; a warning of some kinds that saved the person from an accident, or some misfortune. Or, sometimes is foretells something of a very turn of events-- surrounding a specific event.

You have had such an experience, haven't you?

A series of carefully documented cases certainly raises the possibility of a genuine 'extrasensory perception'.

It is a fact that many of us get a gut feeling of an impending 'bad' event.
What does all of this tell us? Well, it certainly indicates that there are powers, depths, levels of understanding that we have yet to understand.

And this leads us back to the Psychic Reader. Is it possible that there is such an animal? Well, if you were to accept the preceding sentence-- there certainly could be. If we agree that there are depths of knowledge that we sometimes get just a glimpse of-- isn't it possible that there are some among us who can catch more than a 'glimpse'?
And, if that is so-- can we call such a person a 'Psychic Reader'?
Ever had the feeling of remembrance? A phenomenon that 2/3 of us report as having? There are lots of explanations for these:.

1. A mental hiccup.

2. A case where the brain senses something twice as a result of a slight wiring delay.

3. A glimpse of a past life.

Do these explanations satisfy you? They are somewhat lacking, don' t you think?
Do you ever wonder why there are many explanations of things-- that no person really, truly understands?

So, we can just say-- with certainty-- that all the term 'psychic reader 'means is to perceive-- or understand -something that our normal five senses do not pickup. A simple explanation, yes?

So, then we return to the subject of parapsychology-- because that is really what we are describing.

What is parapsychology? It is the branch of psychology that studies the power of perceiving things beyond the range of our five senses.

Now here is an interesting question:.
Since there is a branch of science studying the powers that we can not perceive-- why would people deny the existence of these powers?

Ergo, we have come full circle: To disbelieve the existence of powers we can not see, is to deny the validity of the science of parapsychology.

Explore - and discover some life changing things!

About the Author: Ron Vicari is a mind adventurer - and has opened up a whole new perspective on Psychic Readings. Find out what he has discovered - in his own unique style. It begins by saving you all the research needed to bypass the fakes and find the best!
Psychic Reader.

Keywords: Psychic Reader, Parapsychology, deja vu, sixth sense

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