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The following article was published in our article directory on September 2, 2013.
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My worst nightmare came true...

Article Category: Family Concerns

Author Name: L.A. Capdevila

My name is L.A. Capdevila, ask me what I know about life, family, business and network marketing. One Sunday afternoon after church, the whole family met at my little brother's house for a family outing. My brother Max lived in a ministry house that ministered to addicts of all kinds; he was second in command in the men operation. We ate a hearty meal that day, there was lots of laughter and fun as everyone chit and chatter among the fifty or so persons there.
My brother Al gathered enough guys to form two football teams and off we went to play a wonderful game of football. Half way through the football game my son Danny got sick and started to throw up all he had eaten and complained of having pain all over his body. We decided to cut short our visit and head home.
On Monday morning Danny went to school and had no further episodes of feeling sick or pain. But Wednesday afternoon Danny's school calls us to tell that he was feeling sick and in pain. Anita and I took him to the doctor and had him checked out. The doctor mention that there was a virus going around and that Danny might have caught the bug. He gave Danny a shot and told us to bring him back on Friday.
Danny stayed home on Thursday, but felt better on Friday so he went to school. Being that Danny felt better, I called the doctor and canceled the appointment. I told him that the virus must have been subsiding and he was feeling great. Latter on that day we ate at my mom's house and were there till about nine in the evening when Danny out of nowhere started feeling bad again. We left my mom's house and went home, puzzled at what Danny was going through. In fifteen years Danny had almost never been sick and in a week's time he was all over the place on how he felt.
We got home and we put Danny in bed, when I came in to check up on him he ask me if I could sleep with him, this is something that he had never done since he was a small boy. I told him I would and off to sleep we went. About 3:30 in the morning Danny wakes me up and asks me if I can take him to the emergency room. So we got dress and headed out the door leaving Anita at home with our two other kids.
When we got to the emergency room, Danny was taken in immediately and after an hour he was calmly sleeping in the bed. I also had fallen asleep. In my mind I had it set that the doctor was going to tell me that Danny had a virus and they were going to do blood work and we would be home before sunrise. Little did I know that I was in for the shock of my life.
As I was awoken by the doctor at about 5:30 in the morning, his greeting to me was
'Mr. Capdevila your son is dying." I responded back to him what was he talking about, there must be a mistake. He went on to inform me that my son had Leukemia and his chances of making were not good. As I stood there in shock, my mind clouded and I would not have imagines this happening to any of my children in a million years. I called my wife and told her to dress the kids and drop them off at my mom's.
When Anita arrived at the hospital, the doctor gave us the options we had, believe me there were not many, but I had the option of prayer. I called everyone I knew and had them call everyone they knew to pray for my boy. The doctor immediately ordered the chemo treatment and for the next few months we lived in the hospital.
I remember my son's first treatment chemo therapy, he shook for over 24 hours and as he did he would tell me "daddy pray for me , you have prayed for so many and have seen them get heal please pray for me." I felt so helpless but I found the strength to get on my knees and said " Devil whether my son lives or dies I will serve the Lord, Father into thy hands I commit my son Danny do with him as you wish."
My son Danny lives today he is twenty nine years old and is the most talented and wonderful man you can ever imagine. What a blessing he is to all of us. But the best part of all this, is knowing that we have eternal life. Fifty, sixty or seventy years in this life cannot be compared with eternal life, world without end, forever and ever. You see you will never have true happiness and peace in this life unless you have the assurance of this eternal life that come from the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. You will never be truly successful unless you have this life; I do not care how much money or material things you have, all you got to do is visit a cemetery to know that we all end up there at one point or another. But your spirit will live forever in one of two places. I know that this sounds old fashion, but it would take me several volumes of books to explain what the bible says about it and the hundreds and hundreds of testimonies of people who have gone to both heaven and hell and come back to tell us about it. I suggest you Google heaven and hell and you will see the results.
How different we would live our lives today knowing that we will never cease to exist and we will be rewarded by what we believe and do. No matter what your worst nightmare might be, it is good to know that what you believe will help you overcome everything. So ask me what I know about life, family, business and network marketing and I would tell you that I know enough to be able to help someone.

About the Author: L.A. is a successful businessman that has helped hundreds achieved their dreams in business and mlm. To find out more about L.A. 's success story visit him at La Teresita, as well as his MLM website at

Keywords: MLM, Starting a Business, Multi Level Marketing, Help in starting a business, living life, network marketing

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