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The following article was published in our article directory on January 17, 2014.
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Value Based Integrated Business Planning For Family Businesses

Article Category: Business Management

Author Name: Wayne Messick

Since the beginning of time, integrated business planning has actually been the sort of planning for the future you've been engaged in.

You didn't call it integrated business planning, you called it by a dozen or more names including strategic planning, marketing planning, sales planning etc.

The fact is however all strategies focused on the future of your business are integrated business planning, because every aspect of your organization is connected to, affected by, and relies on every other.

Today's leaders know that being a leader means to inspire others to follow them, during good times and bad. Whether or not your people see you as their leader depends in large part on how well you understand the interconnectedness of integrated business planning and its influence on the business and them.

Integrated business planning requires setting priorities. Setting priorities, what do we do first and what do we not do at all, are a reflection of your personal and corporate values. This also impacts your employees.

Your organization's values were not built-in upon incorporation. You did not receive them as a part of the Incorporation package you received from your lawyer.

When the company started it had no values of its own, only those of the original owners. Those values were instilled in them by their parents, mentors, teachers, peers, and everyone who cam in contact with them.

Every single day they, and now you, choose to accept or reject values from different sources which directly impact the integrated business planning steps you take or don't take.

Value based integrated business planning is a never ending refining of who you are and who your people are as individuals and as an organization.

Your organization's purpose and its core values should be integrated into any integrated business planning so that integrated business planning reinforces your values and supports your people, in an "everything leads to everything else" scenario.

This is not meant to be cheerleading - rather it is to help imbed the core values in a way that causes managers and leaders to act in accordance with those core values naturally, reflexively. This is what builds the "way" that everyone in the organization addresses every issue.

A successful integrated business planning program helps people at every level in the organization quickly react with "that's not like us" or "that's the way we do things here" automatically. These internal values are combined seamlessly with the organization's external persona or brand to insure people that when they do business with your company they can absolutely count on being treated in a certain way.

While it might not be stated on your company's web site, your integrated business planning priorities crystalize the internal and external values of everyone from the Board room to the loading dock. And whatever skills training your employees receive, in the long run it will be clear, your values are clear.

Values based integrated business planning provides your managers and leaders with the knowledge, self-confidence, and commitment to be part of your organization's long term success. How they see themselves as leaders and managers and how they are on board with the company's mission is where the real lasting value is.

Successful business owners understand that concentrating on the immediate short term decisions that add to their profits, and that require countless hours of their time, should not take all of their energy, They understand that the valuable insights of from a values based integrated business planning can help them sustain their current level of success in any environment.

Business owners who think strategically, plan comprehensively, and execute flawlessly will almost certainly eclipse those who simply set goals and hope for the best.

They understand the importance of developing leaders and growing managers to insure their long term success as well as its impact on their profits. They realize that the valuable impact of integrated business planning can help them focus on what is important to them and the business for years to come.

Similar to you, Wayne Messick is concerned about the continuous refinement of his strategies for productivity in these challenging times. He is the author of dozens of articles for mainstream businesses, emerging professionals and association executives and now in phase III of his career spends hours each week creating articles from his experiences and posting them on his web site and Facebook page.

About the Author: Values based integrated business planning simply means doing the right things right often with the help of an accountability partner who will hold you accountable for making the right decisions for your organization. Integrated business planning for the future gets the best results.

Keywords: integrated business planning

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