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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on February 28, 2015.
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The Quickest and Easiest Healthy Eating Recipes

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Nehemiah Maxwell

Maintaining a fit body requires hard work and a lot of sacrifices. The amount of exercise you do to shed pounds would be nothing if your daily meals consist of foods that would only bring back the calories. In order to keep a healthy and toned body, you need to reduce carb-filled meals and start trying these healthy eating recipes.

These healthy eating recipes will ensure that your food intake maintains your ideal body weight while keeping you sated and satisfied. Another good thing about these healthy eating recipes is that they are very easy to make. They also taste really good that you won't even feel like you are on a diet.

Tomato Omelet

Ingredients: Oil, 3 egg whites, 1 tsp. water, salt and pepper, 2 tbsp. sun-dried tomatoes (diced), 2 tbsp. goat cheese, 1/2 cup spinach

What to Do: Place pan over medium-high heat, then pour in the egg whites, 1 tsp. water, and salt and pepper. Add the remaining ingredients when the egg whites begin to set. Cook for 2 more minutes or until cheese is melted then fold the product in half.

Veggie Scramble

Ingredients: 1/2 cup tofu, spinach, � cup red peppers, 1/8 cup onion, 1/8 cup vegan bacon, paprika, salt and pepper (to taste)

What to Do: Combine tofu, a few spinach, chopped red peppers, chopped vegan bacon, chopped onions, and a sprinkle of paprika in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Mix until vegetables are tender. Season with salt and pepper.

Cereal A-Go-Go

Ingredients: Cereal of choice, 1 cup plain low-fat yogurt, 1/8 tsp. lemon zest, 1 tsp. honey, 1/2 bran flakes, � cup fresh berries, 1 tbsp. almonds

What to Do: Combine cereal, yogurt, honey, and lemon zest in a bowl. Mix well then add the bran flakes and flavor with sliced almonds and berries.

Roast Beef Wrap

Ingredients: 1 whole wheat wrap, 2 oz. roast beef, 1 oz. light cream cheese, 1/2 tbsp. horseradish, 1 oz. cheddar, romaine lettuce.

What to Do: Spread the light cream cheese and horseradish on the whole-wheat wrap. Add the roast beef, romaine lettuce and sliced cheddar, then roll up the wrap.

Loaded Sweet Potato

Ingredients: 1 sweet potato, 2 tbsp. non-fat Greek yogurt, 1 tsp. honey, 2 tbsp. black beans (drained), dash of paprika

What to Do: Using a fork, prick the sweet potato 5 times. Place sweet potato on microwaveable plate and heat for 5 minutes. Cut the sweet potato lengthwise and top with yogurt, rinsed black beans, honey, and sprinkle with paprika.

These healthy eating recipes are perfect when you are on the go because they are very quick to make and they do not require much cooking. If you are the type of weigh-watcher who always brings post-gym snacks after a good workout, then these healthy eating recipes are the perfect meals for you.

It is okay to indulge your cravings once in a while but make up for those excess pounds at the gym. Remember that a fit and healthy body does not only improve your system and your life rate, it also helps you feel good about yourself.

About the Author: Nehemiah is an expert when it comes to Healthy Eating Recipes, mediterranean diet plan, health & fitness. To find out everything about Healthy Eating Recipes, mediterranean diet plan, health & fitness, visit his website at WEBSITE URL.

Keywords: Healthy Eating Recipes, food to lower cholesterol, mediterranean diet plan, health & fitness

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I got in online biz more than 2 years ago but I got nowhere - until I found your service a couple of months ago, that is. Now I am getting really strong in the lose-weight niche and I can't wait to see where this online business takes me. Tnx so much!!
Harold Brown