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The following article was published in our article directory on September 21, 2015.
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Important Life Changing Reasons To Consider a Ketogenic Diet

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Jo Bennett

Inflammation controls our lives. Have you or a loved one had to deal with pain, obesity, diabetes, ADD/ADHD, peripheral neuropathy, heart disease, stroke, migraines, thyroid issues, arthritis, cancer, or alzheimers These are just a few of the symptoms of inflammation

If you answered yes to any of these disorders you are dealing with inflammation.
Inflammation is the stem of all diseases.
Unfortunately many of us are suffering from one or more of these disorders but have no idea how to eliminate inflammation. Most doctors are utilizing pharmaceuticals instead of getting to the root cause.

Most inflammatory diseases start in the gut with an autoimmune reaction which progresses into systemic inflammation.
Your gut is made of an incredibly large and intricate semi-permeable lining.
Its degree of permeability fluctuates in response to a variety of chemically mediated conditions. For example elavated cortisol due to stress, or your thyroid hormone levels fluctuate due to burning the midnight oil.
Then when you eat partially undigested food, toxins, viruses, yeast, and bacteria have the opportunity to travel through the intestine and access the bloodstream, this is referred to as leaky gut syndrome, or LGS.

When the intestinal lining is repeatedly damaged due to reoccurring leaky gut syndrome, damaged cells called microvilli become unable to do their job properly. They become unable to process and utilize the nutrients and enzymes that are vital to proper digestion. Eventually, digestion suffers and absorption of nutrients is negatively affected. As more exposure occurs, your body initiates an attack on these foreign invaders. It responds with inflammation, allergic reactions, and other symptoms we relate to a variety of diseases.
The harmful effects of inflammation and ongoing allergic reactions...

It may sound relatively harmless, but this situation can and often does cause numerous serious and debilitating diseases. Since your bodies immune system can become overburdened, these inflammatory triggers are cycled continuously through your blood where they affect nerves, organs, connective tissues, joints, and muscles. You can probably begin to see how diseases develop.
Inflammation is what makes most disease known to an individual. It can and often does occur for many years before it becomes apparent.
Without inflammation most disease would not even exist.

list of diseases and their relationship with inflammation:

4 Immune Mediated Types + Sensitivities, all of which cause inflammation

Chronic inflammation destroys brain cells.

Inflammatory cytokines attack erythropoietin production.

Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against joint surfaces.

Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against airway lining.

Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions in the brain arresting right hemisphere development.

Inflammatory cytokines destroy joint cartilage and synovial fluid.

An association between the development of cancer and inflammation has long-been appreciated The inflammatory response orchestrates host defenses to microbial infection and mediates tissue repair and regeneration, which may occur due to infectious or non-infectious tissue damage. Epidemiological evidence points to a connection between inflammation and a predisposition for the development of cancer, i.e. long-term inflammation leads to the development of dysplasia. Epidemiologic studies estimate that nearly 15 percent of the worldwide cancer incidence is associated with microbial infection Chronic infection in immunocompetent hosts such as human papilloma virus or hepatitis B and C virus infection leads to cervical and hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively. In other cases, microbes may cause cancer due to opportunistic infection such as in Kaposi's sarcoma (a result of human herpes virus (HHV)-8 infection) or inappropriate immune responses to microbes in certain individuals, which may occur in gastric cancer secondary to Helicobacter pylori colonization or colon cancer because of long-standing inflammatory bowel disease precipitated by the intestinal microflora In many other cases, conditions associated with chronic irritation and subsequent inflammation predispose to cancer, such as the long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, asbestos, and silica.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Chronic inflammation causes excessive muscle tension shortening tendons in the forearm and wrist compressing the nerves.

Chronic immune mediated inflammation damages intestinal lining.

Crohn's Disease.
Chronic immune mediated inflammation damages intestinal lining.

Congestive heart failure.
Chronic inflammation contributes to heart muscle wasting.

Chronic inflammation of the gut and liver with poor detoxification and often antibodies against Transglutaminase-3.

Inflamed connective tissue often food allergy related and exacerbated by secondary nutritional and neurological imbalances.

Inflammatory cytokines attack traumatized tissue.

Gall Bladder Disease.
Inflammation of the bile duct or excess cholesterol produced in response to gut inflammation.

Inflammation of the esophagus and digestive tract nearly always food sensitivity and pH driven.

Autoimmune attack of the nervous system often triggered by autoimmune response to external stressors such as vaccinations.

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
Autoimmune reaction originating in the gut triggered by antibodies against thyroid enzymes and proteins.

Heart attack.
Chronic inflammation contributes to coronary atherosclerosis.

Kidney failure.
Inflammatory cytokines restrict circulation and damage nephrons and tubules in the kidneys.

Inflammatory cytokines induce an autoimmune attack against connective tissue.

Multiple Sclerosis.
Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against myelin.

Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against myelin and vascular and connective tissues which irritate nerves.

Inflammatory cytokines induce pancreatic cell injury.

Chronic inflammation of the gut and liver with poor detoxification.

Polymyalgia Rheumatica.
Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against muscles and connective tissue.

Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Inflammatory cytokines induce autoimmune reactions against joints.

Inflammatory cytokines induce an autoimmune attack against connective tissue.

Chronic inflammation promoted thromboembolic events.

Surgical complications.
Inflammatory cytokines (often pre-dating the surgery) slow or prevent healing.

key triggers of inflammation are ...

Diet: Alcohol, Gluten, Casein, Processed Foods, Sugar, Fast Food.

Medications: Corticosteroids, Antibiotics, Antacids, Xenobiotics.

Infections: Such as H-Pylori, Yeast or Bacterial Overgrowth, Viral or Parasite Infection.

Stress: Increased Cortisol, Increased Catecholamines.

Hormonal: Thyroid, Progesterone, Estradiol, Testosterone.

Neurological: Brain Trauma, Stroke, Neuro-degeneration.

Metabolic: Glycosylated End Products (inflammatory end products of sugar metabolism), Intestinal Inflammation, Autoimmune.

There are people who can eat potatoes, sugary foods, pasta etc and not be overweight or seem to have any life threatening diseases, but this doesn't mean they are healthy. For example a female, 115 pounds but with very high blood glucose levels needing to be placed on insulin.

Not only should diabetics and people who need to lose weight limit their carbohydrate and sugar intake, everyone should.
When you eat excess carbohydrates, blood glucose stays elavated longer because the glucose can't get into the cells of the muscles. This toxic level of glucose resembles tar in the bloodstream clogging arteries, binding with proteins to form damaging AGEs (Advanced Glycated End-products) and causing inflammation. This high level of glucose causes triglycerides to increase, this then raises your risk for heart disease.

Starch and sugar gets stored as fat (starch is just glucose molecules hooked together in a long chain); the digestive track breaks it down into glucose ... so a sugary and a starch diet are the same thing!.
Now the muscle cells aren't getting glycogen and since insulin stops the production of the fat-burning enzyme lipase, you will find you can't burn STORED fat! even if you workout.If you still eat starch and sugary foods before your workouts, you will never be a fat-burner, you will remain a sugar-burner and you continue to gain weight until eventually those fat cells become resistant too.

Insulin levels will continue to stay high longer because the pancreas mistakenly believes "if a little is not working, more is better." Insulin is very toxic at high levels, causing cellular damage, cancers, plaque build-up in the arteries in addition to many other inflammation issues including nerve damage and pain in the extremities. Starch and sugar destroys nerve tissue, causing tingling and retinopathy, which causes you to lose your eyesight.

Our cells become so damaged after a life of excess carbohydrates and sugars that not only does insulin resistance block glucose from entering muscle cells;it also blocks amino acids from entering. Amino acids are the building blocks for our muscles that are found in protein. So now you can't even maintain your muscles. And if that isn't bad enough, our muscles become cannibals because your body think there's insufficient stored sugar in the cells, so they send signals to consume valuable muscles making more glucose (sugar)! You put on weight and you lose muscle.

Rather than feeling energetic after you eat, you are tired, and you crave more carbohydrates and since you have less muscle, exercise gets more difficult, and the sad cycle continues.

Thyroid disorders also happen too. When your liver becomes insulin resistant, it can't convert thyroid hormone T4 into the T3, so you get those unexplained "thyroid problems", which continuously lower your energy and metabolism.

Benefits of a ketogenic diet.
Low levels of insulin in the body, which causes greater lipolysis and free-glycerol release compared to a normal diet when insulin is around 80-120. Insulin has a lipolysis-blocking effect, which can inhibit the use of fatty acids as energy. Also, when insulin is brought to low levels, beneficial hormones are released in the body, your body will start burning fat for fuel and this also reduces inflammation.
Another small but very important benefit of the ketogenic diet is that when in the state of ketosis, ketones, seem to suppress appetite. A high-carbohydrate diet, on the other hand, increases hunger levels.
The ketogenic diet first became popular as a treatment for seizures in children suffering from epilepsy, and the neuro-protective benefits of ketones came to light. As research into the process of ketosis expands, the list of benefits just continues to grow.


This is one of the more popular, and desired, benefits from ketones. Ketones have been found to improve insulin sensitivity, lower and normalize blood sugar levels, contribute to an increased state of satiety and decrease food cravings. Due to the increased level of satiety, you just eat when you're hungry. No more calorie counting or food measuring!! All with significant weight loss benefits.

The improvement in blood sugar levels may also explain why ketones have been shown to benefit type II diabetics and women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Energy levels and athletic performance have also shown significant improvement with higher levels of ketones. Ketones play a role in improved blood flow. They appear to enhance the function of the mitochondria (our energy power house), cause blood vessels to dilate, and lead to improved oxygen capacity, which can enhance athletic performance and improve motor performance. This is why ketones are often referred to as a "super fuel." Ketones are also a powerful antioxidant, they have an anti-catabolic effect and help to preserve and promote muscle mass. Ketones have also been associated with an increase in branch chain amino acids (BCAA), which play a role in muscle growth.


The list of benefits from ketones is exhaustive. In addition to the weight loss effects and enhanced energy and muscle performance, ketones have been positively associated with:.
Migraine treatment.
Neuro-protective benefits in seizure disorders;.
Alzheimer's disease, memory and cognitive function;.
Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis.
Autism and improved behaviour and social impacts.
Mood stabilization in bipolar disorder (type II).
Stroke prevention;.
cardiovascular disease;.
metabolic syndrome management;.
improved cholesterol levels.
The benefits of ketones are obvious, so the question remains - what is the best way to increase your ketone levels?


The ketogenic diet is not new, and has been in practice for many years. It involves following a low carbohydrate (5-10 %), moderate protein (15 % -30 %) and high fat (60 % -75 %) diet. The problem with the ketogenic diet is that many people find it quite restrictive and difficult to follow. This creates a problem for those who want to benefit from elevated ketone levels, especially children. In the past, dietary changes were the only way to bring your body into a state of nutritional ketosis.

However, today, we have access to the first exogenous ketone supplement, KETO// OS by pruvit. The supplement blends BHB ketones with medium chain fatty acids, providing the body with ketones, without the need to follow a strict ketogenic diet. Studies are finding that supplementation with ketones is superior to the ketogenic diet. Even while following a Standard North American Diet (SAD), individuals are still experiencing the benefits of ketones via supplementation. However, it is thought that following a lower carbohydrate diet, not necessarily a strict ketogenic diet, will enhance the benefits of the ketone supplements, as your body becomes even more adept to using the ketones are a source of fuel.

The moral of the story? Ketones are something from with we can all benefit. The best part is that now we have an option to get them, without having to stick to the tough dietary guidelines. So throw out your low-fat yogurt, get off the yo-yo diet bandwagon, and give it a try.
for more information visit.

About the Author: Jo Bennett continues to research the many benefits of nutrition two of her websites and http://ttp:// further explains the benefits of how nutrition is the new medicine

Keywords: ketogenic diet,inflammation,causes of disease,nutrition is the new medicine,keto os,ketones,pruvit,benefits of ketosis,exogenous ketone supplements

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