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The following article was published in our article directory on November 2, 2020.
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Reasons for Taking Jazz Dance Class

Article Category: Entertainment

Author Name: Luis Rodriguez

Jazz dance provides an opportunity to physically express yourself through dance routines characterized by high energy, swift footwork, sharp twists and turns, and large leaps. It is a stunning combination of exercise and dance that helps you develop strength, stamina, grace, and flexibility. The jazz style originated in the early 1900s in the south � in cities like St. Louis and New Orleans. It quickly sparked the interest of people who loved the art of dance and soon became a global phenomenon .
Performers of this dance genre perform to the accompaniment of highly distinctive, rhythmic brass music. The steps build on a dancer�s center control; most of the moves spring from the center of the body, challenging the dancer to maintain balance even through difficult dance maneuvers.

Jazz dance is fun. It also results in a range of fitness benefits.
It improves your stamina and muscle strength.
The dance incorporates quick steps, high jumps, and fast turns � all performed to lively, sometimes feverish, musical arrangements. You need explosive power and stamina to dance the routines. As a result, you gain strength and build muscles, particularly in your quads, abs, and calves.
It helps you grow in grace and poise.
A good number of people who are awkward and clumsy enroll in dance to to become more poised and graceful. Jazz features light-footed moves and nimble turns that encourage dancers to move fast, acquire better balance, and become more graceful.
It helps you gain focus.
This particular dance genre calls for a good degree of concentration and self-discipline. You will have a hard time doing the demanding steps if you don�t focus and give your performance the concentration it requires.
It makes you more flexible.
Being supple and flexible widens the range of motion of your joints and muscles. This is good for your health and wellbeing. It reduces the risk of sore muscles and injury.
Dance routines help you become more flexible. They prevent tightness, improve turn out, lengthen lines, and generally allow you to move in a more graceful and seamless way that enriches your dance technique.

Buying Shoes for Jazz Dance
Before you sprint out to purchase your first pair of jazz shoes, ask your dance teacher for some professional suggestions. There are many types of jazz shoes, including low-rise, high-rise, lace-ups, and slip-ons. Look for a pair that has the features you need to dance safely and gracefully.
Split soles make it easier for you to flex your feet. Rubber soles cushion your feet and provide better traction. Thicker heels allow for more shock-absorption. Suede patches found in the under-ball area make for easier turning.

Enroll in a Jazz Class Now
Jazz dance is fun. You dance to the beat of captivating, rhythmic, and upbeat music. You execute a series of diverse and fun-to-do dance movements. You give your body the exercise it needs as you jump, turn, and shuffle in fun and grace. You have an outlet for your creativity as you improvise steps. And you do all these in a friendly, supportive environment that promotes fun and development of dance skills.

About the Author: Hi I am Luis. i have been dancing for the last few years and will be writing articles related to dance shoes. I will be also sharing useful information of the benefits of dancing and also information regarding different styles and techniques.

Keywords: salsa dance, ballroom, waltz, jazz dance, latin dance, dance school, tango dance, ballroom dance shoes, dance lessons, social dance, salsa classes, art of dance

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