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The following article was published in our article directory on November 23, 2020.
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Yoga Matters Beginners Need to Know

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Luis Rodriguez

Before you begin with your practice of yoga, here are some important yoga matters you should know.
Yoga is a practice involving the mind and body 5,000 years ago in ancient India. There are different styles of yoga which put together physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.
In recent years, yoga has become a form of physical exercise with movements that help promote improved control of the body and mind, as well enhance your overall well-being.
In the modern world , the art of yoga has grown to every corner of the globe.
Researchers failed to find any written record of the person who invented the yoga. Male practitioners are referred to as yogis, while the females are called yoginis. The practice of yoga had existed even before any recorded account of yoga came into existence.
Yoga Sutra is a 2,000 year-old treatise written by Indian safe Patanjail. It is a guidebook which teaches the mastery of the mind, control the emotions, and achieve spiritual growth. This is the earliest written record of the practice of yoga. This is one of the oldest texts in existence and it became the foundation with which modern yoga was derived.
Six Branches of Yoga
Hatha Yoga � is the physical and mental branch. It is designed to prime your body and mind.
Raja Yoga � involves the practice of meditation and strict compliance to a series of disciplinary steps, which is known as the �eight-limb yoga
Karma Yoga � is the path of service with the main purpose of creating a future that is free from any negativity and selfishness.
Bhakti Yoga � is the branch which was established to get to the path of devotion. It is a positive way to channel all your emotions and cultivate tolerance and acceptance.
Jnana Yoga � is the branch that is all about wisdom, developing intellect by continuously studying.
Tantra Yoga � is the pathway to ritual, ceremony, as well as the consummation of a relationship.
When you are choosing which type of yoga to follow, base your decisions on the specific goals that you want to achieve by learning the yoga.
The Chakras
The Sanskrit term, chakra literally means �spinning wheel�.
The chakras are the center points of energy, feelings, thoughts, and the physical body. Yogic teachers say that these chakras determine the way you will experience reality through your emotional reactions, aversions, level of confident or fear, and physical symptoms and effects.
A blockage in the chakra can trigger physical, emotional, or mental imbalances with symptoms that include lethargy, poor digestion, and anxiety.
The seven chakras are:
Sahasrara � is the crown chakra or the �thousand-petaled�.
Crown of the head
Colored white or violet
Involves inner wisdom and physical death
Ajna � is the �third-eye�. It is the meeting point between two energetic streams of the body.
Forehead, between the eyebrows
Could be colored indigo, deep blue, and violet
It drives growth and development
Vishuddha � is the throat chakra.
Especially pure
Colored red or blue
Could be related to metabolism, speech, and hearing
Anahata � is the heart chakra.
Colored pink or green
Involves complex emotions, tenderness, compassion, unconditional love, rejection, and balance.
Manipura � is the navel chakra.
Colored yellow
Connected to the digestive system, fear, anxiety
Svadhisthana � is the pelvic chakra.
Where the reproductive organs, adrenal gland, and genitourinary systems are found.
Muladhara � is the root chakra.
Base of the spine
Related to sleep, food, sex, and survival instinct

About the Author: Hi! I'm Luis. I have been practicing Yoga for the last 10 years and switched over to a Ketogenic diet program at the beginning of 2020. So far, I have lost 30 pounds and three sizes in just a few months. My health and flexibility have been improving exponentially. I hope this blog may be of a help. Visit:

Keywords: vinyasa yoga, karma yoga, flow yoga, yoga symbols, siddha yoga, om yoga, bikram yoga poses, lotus yoga, hatha yoga poses, yoga matters, barefoot yoga, yoga mandala

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