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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on February 3, 2022.
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Choosing the Right Snacks for your Kids

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Maybin Kabwe

Kids need snacks. Snacks help to keep hunger pangs at bay in between meals. They give energy. They also provide a lot of the essential nutrients that are critical to a child�s growth and development.
Snacks do all these - provided you choose the right snacks, snacks that are nourishing, flavorful, and appealing to kids . Consider the following tips to help you choose the right snacks .
Don�t keep junk food in the pantry.
Kids are bound to eat chips, candy bars, and other sweets that provide very little nutrition if you make them available to your kids . On the other hand, if you make it a habit to give your kids healthy and tasty snacks, they are likely to develop a liking for them.
Study labels.
Make intelligent snack choices by paying attention to labels � and being aware of what the information really means.
Labeling a cereal as fat-free or low fat does not mean that it is healthy or low in calories. The item can pack a whole lot of sugar and sodium.
Choose whole grain.
Cereals, bread, tortillas, and pretzels provide long-lasting energy, particularly if they are made from whole grain. Serve them with a slice of deli meat, cheese, or hummus for a nutrition boost.
Reinvent breakfast fare as snacks.
Kids will love a combination of fruit, nuts, and cereals not only as breakfast food but as snacks, as well. Prepare oatmeal with milk and add a touch of cinnamon and applesauce to boost flavor.
Make it healthy-sweet.
Sweet does not always have to be bad. If your kids have a sweet tooth, make them happy with frozen fruit bars, yogurt, or low-fat smoothies.
Make protein-rich snacks available.
Protein is an essential nutrient. It also helps to make you feel full for a longer period of time.
Power your kids up with delicious protein-rich food. Your kids are guaranteed to enjoy deli meat, hard-boiled eggs, nuts, high-protein ramen noodles, and air-fried chicken drumsticks and chicken tenders.
Mix veggies and fruits for a tasty and colorful snack.
Cut up some fruit and veggies like pineapple, apples, mangoes, bananas, carrots, yellow or red bell peppers, and avocado for a delightfully tasty and crunchy snack for the kids. Make a healthy dip of hummus, yogurt, ranch dressing, or even peanut butter to jack-up snack appeal.
Prevent mindless munching.
Allocate an area for snacking. Do not allow your kids to have snacks while watching TV. Similar �rules� help check indiscriminate munching which may lead to obesity.
Give snacks according to schedules that don�t undermine eating healthy meals. Do not give juice and snacks close to meal times; otherwise your kids will not have the appetite to eat the nutritious and well-balanced meals that you prepare.
Make the experience fun.
Snack time can be fun as well as healthy. Bring out the cookie cutters and let your kids enjoy cutting out whole grain tortillas or bread and low-fat cheese into fun shapes.
Challenge them to spell correctly by letting your kids spell out words using air-fried French fries or pretzel sticks. Give them fruit to cut up and let them �draw� funny faces and other creative images on a colorful plate.
Give them some cut-up celery stalks and have them stick some raisins on the vegetable using peanut butter as �paste� to form �ants on a log.�
Apply your knowledge of basic nutrition and be creative -- and your kids are certain to enjoy healthy and tasty snacks!

About the Author: Maybin Kabwe is an expert when it comes to Snacks, Cereals, Nutritional Supplements, Soups, Salad dressings, Cooking Oils, Beverages, . To find out everything about Snacks, Cereals, Supplements, Soups, Salad dressings, Cooking Oils, Beverages, visit his website at

Keywords: Snacks, Cereals, Nutritional Supplements, Soups, Salad dressings, Cooking Oils, Beverages, Water, Fish, Beef

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